Freehand Drawing

Freehand colored with Copics Spring 2016

Kassidy (age 13) drew this in her sketch book.  She colored it with Copic Markers.  She doesn’t have many Copics yet in her collection, so she used what she had.  Atta’ girl!  🙂  For Christmas I gave her a Manga drawing book.  She was excited to get it.  I will put the link below She used her drawing book to guide her to draw this picture.  Her sketch book sheets are larger than the book, so she didn’t trace it.  If you like her effort, give her a LIKE and a nice comment.  Thank you for looking!





5 thoughts on “Freehand Drawing

    • Tricia Ann says:

      Lorraine, I want to thank you for all the wonderful and MANY comments you and your design team have made to my granddaughter, Kassidy. You have been so kind and thoughtful. The other day, after we finished dinner, I was reading her all the comments from my iPhone. I asked her, “Do you have a big head yet?” She surprised me by saying, “Yes.” Ha! Kids. All the niceties made her feel good about herself and certainly encouraged her in her art. When I visited her at her home, I was impressed to see that she draws in her sketch book almost every day. So I want to thank you for having the Kid’s Challenge and giving children an opportunity to show their work and have a chance at a drawing. Sincerely, Tricia Coffin


  1. onecraftystamper says:

    Kassidy, this is a wonderful sketch! Love that you did it freehand! You have really been having a creative summer! Thanks for joining our kids summer challenge at Simon Says Stamp! hugs, Maura


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